Middleton Mountain - Photo taken by Richard Rolke

Greater Vernon Trails & Natural Spaces Master Plan

Greater Vernon’s trails and natural spaces provide many benefits to the region such as the protection of sensitive ecosystems and historic/cultural features, as well as connecting people and communities. However, the area is experiencing a growing population and some growing challenges.

Focused on the next ten years, the Greater Vernon Trails and Natural Spaces Master Plan will provide a comprehensive review of the current state of trails and natural spaces. It will define the desired goals that our trails and natural spaces are working to achieve; and identify how our trails and natural spaces network will be integrated with other natural spaces, parks, and trail systems in the Greater Vernon area and the broader region. This plan identifies general acquisition and connection priorities and articulates strategies and actions to enhance our trails and natural spaces in the future. It will clarify organizational roles and links of community and volunteer service support, and establish quantitative and qualitative performance targets to measure our progress.



The development of the plan was influenced by stakeholder planning, as well as various local, regional, provincial, and national policies and plans. Our residents, stakeholders, and partners are passionate advocates and stewards of our trails and natural spaces. Their planning efforts have contributed to and informed the foundation of this master plan and have provided key takeaways that guide its direction.

The guiding principles set out the values of the services and provide a set of rules to help ensure that service decisions and actions remain consistent with the vision. Throughout our work, we strive to be:

The guiding principles identified set out values of the services, and provide a rules to ensure that service decisions and actions remain consistent with the vision. We strive to be:

  • Nature-focused
  • Inter-connected
  • Inclusive
  • Collaborative
  • Knowledge-based
  • Adaptive




View the Greater Vernon Trails & Natural Spaces Master Plan 

