Agricultural Water Connect (AgConnect) Tool

AgConnect provides Greater Vernon Water (GVW) agricultural customers with information on their allocation and monthly water use. Log in by entering your confidential User ID, which is provided in your annual start of season letter from GVW. If you no longer have it please call 250-550-3700 and staff can provide you with your AgConnect User ID.

What does this table show?

All read amounts are in cubic meters. Each "Read" typically represents a weekly or bi-weekly read, with Read 1 typically being March 15.  “Total Consumption” shows the accumulated water use to date.

Allocation” is listed in cubic meters. Divide by 5500 to see your allocation in hectares. Learn more about how allocation is calculated and your property's maximum flow rate here.

Serial Number” is the serial number associated with the water meter. You can find this number on the meter register or brass body. Users with multiple adjacent properties will see all of the reads from all of their meters. Use the Serial Number to identify which reads belong to which meter.

A credit meter (where house feeds off of the irrigation service), may affect Total Consumption.  Blank information signifies either that the data has yet to be obtained, or it is pending review.

Data prior to 2020 and irrigation meters opted-out of the remote read program will only have monthly reads.

Consumptions and reads shown here are not “final” in that RDNO may be provided information that requires corrections to the meter reads. RDNO does not guarantee the accuracy of the reads and consumptions and RDNO will not be held liable for any use of the above data other than for general information. 
