Lumby & District Fire Department

The Lumby and District Fire Volunteer Department was established in July 1988 by Bylaw 785 to provide fire protection and in 1991 the specified area was converted to a Local Service Area.  The local service area has been amended several times since 1991 to add properties and to also add the 'Jaws of Life. This department is operated by the 24 dedicated individuals that make up our current team.

The Lumby and District Fire Protection Area is the largest within the RDNO at 168.59 sq. km.  The department was established in 1973 and in 1981, Supplementary Letters Patent granted the RDNO the function of fire protection and control within the Village of Lumby in addition to Electoral Area 'D'. 


Fire Chief Tony Clayton arrived at the Lumby and District Fire Department in 1992 and brought with him a mechanical and agriculture background.  He filled many roles over the years, becoming Fire Chief in 2002. He currently owns and operates an excavating business in his own community. 

Learn more about how to become a firefighter

PO Box 356, 1769 Shuswap Avenue | Lumby, BC   V0E 2G0
250-550-1240 |

The Specifics