Electoral Area
Electoral Area “B” is located in the western part of the Regional District. Area “B” is comprised mostly of Crown Land and First Nations Land surrounding Okanagan Lake with agricultural large holdings making up the balance.
- Building Inspection
- Community Theatre
- Development Services / Planning
- Dog Control - Greater Vernon / White Valley
- Electoral Area Discretionary Grants
- Electoral Area Services
- Electoral Areas B and C Community Parks
- Emergency Planning
- Emergency Telephone (911)
- Fire Dispatch
- Fire Protection - BX Swan Lake
- Fire Protection - Kalamalka Lake View
- Fire Protection - Okanagan Landing
- Fire Training Centre
- General Government
- Greater Vernon Cultural Service
- Greater Vernon Recreation and Programming Grant
- Greater Vernon Trails and Natural Spaces
- Greater Vernon Water
- Multi-Use Facility
- Multi-Use Facility Expansion
- North Okanagan Conservation Fund
- Noxious Insects (Control of)
- Noxious Weeds (Control of)
- Okanagan Basin Water Board
- Okanagan Regional Library
- Okanagan Regional Library (Debt Financing)
- Okanagan Symphony Society Grant
- Queen's Committee Grant
- Regional Planning
- Rural Economic Development
- Safe Communities
- Septage Facility
- Solid Waste Management
- St. Johns Ambulance
- Starling Control
- Sterile Insect Release Program
- Street Lights - B and C Intersections
- Street Lights- B and C Neighbourhoods
- Transit - UBCO Connector
- Transit Regional
- Transit Urban (Handy Dart)
- Victim Assistance Program