Recruit Training
Fire Department Recruitment

Becoming a Firefighter

Are you interested in a fulfilling opportunity? Consider joining your local team of paid-on-call firefighters. They are a caring and dedicated group of individuals who could be your neighbours, co-workers, and friends. 

The RDNO has three Fire Departments; BX-Swan Lake, Lumby & District and Silver Star. Watch this quick video to find out why you should become an RDNO firefighter!

Video file

All three fire departments use a system that pays their firefighters based on their attendance to calls, meetings, training, and practices referred to as paid-on-call (POC) firefighters. All training and equipment are provided, including some exciting hands-on live fire training!

The Lumby and District Fire Department offers a Junior Firefighter Program for students ages 16 and older. If interested, please submit the Junior Firefighter permission form with your application.  Check out the Junior Firefighter Recruitment Video!

Video file

Is this profession right for you?
