Mic in the RDNO Boardroom

Appearing Before the Board

The Board of Directors of the Regional District of North Okanagan values public input.  Sometimes, people or those representing organizations wish to make a formal appearance before the Board of Directors or Committee as a delegation in order to address issues they consider important to the community.

Because many issues can be resolved at the staff level, it is recommended that citizens discuss their concerns with Regional District staff prior to appearing before the Board.  Staff can often provide valuable background information and recommend the appropriate next steps that may eliminate the need to go before the Board, or set the stage for a meaningful and constructive interaction with the Board.  Staff will also ensure that the issue is one that is within jurisdiction of the Regional District.

Those wishing to appear before the Board of Directors or Committee as a delegation should refer to Part 4 of the Procedure Bylaw.  It outlines the requirements and expectations of any delegation or presentation to the Board of Directors including:

  • Notify the Corporate Officer (or designate) in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the Board of Directors of Committee meeting by completing a Delegation Request Form and sending it to:

    Corporate Services

    Regional District of North Okanagan

    9848 Aberdeen Road

    Coldstream, BC  V1B 2K9

    Phone: 250-550-3700

    Fax: 250-550-3701

    Email: corp@rdno.ca
  • Requests will be reviewed by Corporate Services and if approved, will be directed to the appropriate meeting.
  • Delegations will be contacted to confirm the scheduled date and time of the delegation.
  • If approved, please forward any supporting documentation for publication in the Agenda no later than the Monday of the week prior (10 days) to the Board or Committee meeting at which you will be appearing. Please note that delegations are encouraged to provide supporting documentation to ensure that the Board or Committee members are adequately informed on the subject of the presentation.
  • Delegations are limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes.
  • Delegations are not to appear for the sole purpose of promoting an individual business.
  • Delegations who have previously appeared before the Board or Committee on a subject matter are to provide new information only in any subsequent presentation relating to the matter.

The following information is provided for your assistance when preparing to address Board members at a Board of Directors or Committee meeting:

  • The Chair will invite delegations to the speakers podium to make their presentation.
  • Comments at the Board meeting should be directed to the Chair.
  • Before making your comments please introduce yourself – clearly stating your name and address.
  • The Chair may be referred to as ‘Mr. Chair’ or ‘Madam Chair’ and other Board members as ‘Director’.
  • The Chair and Directors may ask questions of the delegation, as well as Regional District staff.
  • Delegations are limited to ten (10) minutes.
  • Be aware that comments on some issues may be restricted by legal requirements or policy.
  • At the close of the delegation, the Board may make a decision or refer the item to the appropriate department for further action, input or advice.

If you have any questions about the delegation process, please contact the Corporate Services Department at 250-550-3700.