An Emergency Kit vs a Grab-N-Go bag

Which one do you need?
Register with your BC Service Card

Registers you and your household for future emergencies
Alerts sent straight to you

Be the first to know about an emergency that may affect you
Stories - The first 72 hours

What others have done to get through those first crucial hours of an emergency.
The North Okanagan is adorned in nature which is susceptible to floods, storms, extreme temperatures and wildfires. Since we depend on power, water supply and the internet, we are vulnerable during emergencies. An event could result in a power outage or cut off your water supply. It is easy to take a few simple steps to improve your own emergency preparedness, which helps us all. Visit
When the majority of the population can take care of themselves and those around them, emergency response resources can better reach those who need help immediately. |
What risks should you plan for?
What is a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) all about?
A municipality or the Regional District may declare a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) to aid in the emergency response and recovery process. The RDNO may also activate the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to manage and support response and recovery efforts outside municipal boundaries. In acute emergencies, the Provincial Emergency Program administers the Disaster Financial Assistance Program.
More Resources
The Provincial Emergency Program is administered through the regional office in Kamloops. For more information or to contact their office, please visit
You can find additional emergency preparedness information at: