Eligibility & Project Scope
The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) supports initiatives that help support the goals and objectives of the RDNO Solid Waste Management Plan. Funding is available for innovative projects that contribute to reducing waste and facilitate the development of a localized circular economy. This involves ReTHINKING Waste by prioritizing the first two R’s “Reduce” and “Reuse” by conserving resources and or utilizing resources already in circulation.
Examples of potential projects include: community sharing initiatives, supporting reuse, reducing food waste, research projects, waste reduction education events, culture displays, product repair events/courses, and waste prevention equipment or technology development.
Individuals, businesses, community groups and non-profit organizations, including school groups are eligible to apply for funding.
Project Grant funds may be requested for up to 50% of the total cost of a project. An effort will be made to award funding to a number of projects from a total funding allocation that will be reviewed and determined by the Regional Board each year.
Primary elements that projects will be evaluated for are:
- Defining a clear project description that features Rethinking Waste
- Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely goals
- Presenting a unique and innovative approach to waste reduction (preference for projects that prioritize the first two R’s of Reduce and Reuse)
- Being accessible to the broader community
- Collaborating with individuals and organizations in the community
- Being a financially sustainable project after the grant period
- Demonstrating sound management and fiscal responsibility
The following resources are intended to help to identify some grant project ideas:
Find out more about Circular Economy

BC Ministry of Environment: Zero Waste and the Pollution Prevention Hierarchy
Webinar Presentation on the ReTHINK Waste Grant
Previous ReTHINK Waste Grants Awarded
Submitting a Grant Application
You have two options for submitting your ReTHINK Waste Grant application:
- An online application form (start the application, with the Submit Application Now Button Below).
- A project proposal (for more information see the ReTHINK Grant Application Package, in the Related Links section on the left side of this webpage).
Both application options will ask the same information from applicants.
For questions on this program please contact rethinkwaste@rdno.ca.