Update - January 14, 2025 - 11:00 am
In conjunction with Interior Health, the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) advises that the Boil Water Notice issued January 9, 2025 to some customers supplied by Greater Vernon Water on Okanagan Hills Blvd, Silversage Pl, Silversage Lookout Crt, Balsam Crt, and 8800 Rising View Way (see map) has been RESCINDED.
Bacterial testing results and disinfection levels are within normal drinking water standards in the distribution system.
If you have any questions, please contact the RDNO Utilities Department at 250-550-3700.
In conjunction with Interior Health, the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) advises some customers supplied by Greater Vernon Water (GVW) on Okanagan Hills Blvd, Silversage Pl, Silversage Lookout Crt, Balsam Crt, and 8800 Rising View Way (see map) that they are on a precautionary Boil Water Notice (BWN) until sampling results confirm the drinking water is safe.
An equipment malfunction resulted in a loss of water pressure and increased turbidity in the area. Power has since been restored, and flushing to improve the water quality is being completed. The precautionary BWN will be in effect until sampling confirms the safety of the water as directed by Interior Health.
What should customers do in the event of power outage or when water service is temporarily lost?
When the water service resumes, properties in the area may experience reduced water pressure, discolouration of the water, and/or air. Please run cold water until the water has cleared. An outside tap(s) is preferred.
The level of service and treatment provided by the RDNO has been maintained; however, customers in the affected area should boil their water for at least one minute when preparing any food, drinking, washing fruits & vegetables, making beverages or ice or when brushing teeth.
Updates will be posted to www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices). You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe.
When the notice is rescinded, it will be posted on the RDNO website and sent to email subscribers.
If you have any questions, please contact the RDNO Utilities Department at 250-550-3700.
Click here for a larger version of the map.