Fees & How to Divert Waste and Save Money
Before coming to a DDF please review the What Goes Where resources and take reusable and recyclable items to where they belong. Doing this may save you unnecessary trips to a DDF and can greatly reduce the waste going into our landfills.
Help keep divertible materials out of our landfills. Separate, Sort & $ave:
Construction & Demolition Waste Management Guide

Please Dispose Responsibly
Please note that some materials pose environmental pollution, health hazards and operational issues in landfills. These materials are classified as Controlled and Prohibited Waste and Regulated Materials. Details of these materials are listed in the RDNO Municipal Solid Waste Bylaw and an overview of these materials are provided on the RDNO Dispose Responsibly webpage.
For more information Email us at solidwaste@rdno.ca or visit our Contact Us page for all other inquiries.
Frequently Asked Questions - Diversion & Disposal Facilities
RDNO-Gro Compost

Use it as a mulch or till it into your soil to add the benefits of organic matter.
Yard & Garden Waste Drop-off
Yard & Garden Waste can be dropped off at any RDNO Diversion and Disposal Facility free of charge.