RDNO to Implement Social Distancing Measures at DDF Sites

Media Release

The RDNO’s Diversion and Disposal Facilities (DDFs) continue to be open to serve the residents and businesses of the region during the current Covid-19 pandemic. These facilities are seeing a significant increase in customer traffic due to spring cleaning and yard maintenance.

The RDNO has asked customers to consider whether a visit to a DDF is truly necessary at this time and to abide by the orders of the Provincial Health Officer during their visit, particularly as it relates to social distancing. Unfortunately, many customers are not abiding by these requests and as a result are placing landfill staff and other customers at risk.

The RDNO will be enforcing the social distancing directive of the Provincial Health Officer at all facilities effective Friday, March 26th. What does this mean?

  • The number of customers permitted onsite at any given time will be limited and any customers not following the social distancing order to stay 2 m apart from other customers may be asked to leave the facility or may be issued a bylaw violation ticket
  • Customers can expect a significant increase in line ups and wait times at all facilities, wait times of up to 60 minutes should be expected during peak times
  • Customers will be expected to abide by the direction of DDF staff while onsite

Residents are strongly encouraged to utilize the curbside garbage collection service provided to residents in most RDNO member municipalities. Please contact your local municipality if you have any questions regarding curbside garbage collection.

As long as DDF customers are patient and follow the directive of the Provincial Health Officer, RDNO DDFs will continue to provide service to all customers, however if customers fail to abide by these directives, the RDNO may consider further limiting access to the facilities and the services provided including closure to the public.

Read all of the RDNO's updates on COVID-19 by clicking here.