The RDNO's main office at 9848 Aberdeen Road, Coldstream
The RDNO's Office in Coldstream, BC.

RDNO Services

The Regional District of North Okanagan provides over 70 services to just over 90,000 people in the North Okanagan. The regional district service delivery model is unique to that of a municipality. Member municipalities and electoral areas can partner to provide services to multiple communities. Services are provided on an opt-in basis, meaning only the communities that receive the service pay for it. 

Some services span the entire region, like solid waste management, some are provided to a few communities, such as Greater Vernon Water, and some only apply to one community or a section of that community, like local parks. 

Learn more about the RDNO's services in this section:

Extended animal control service to Electoral Area "F", facilitated by the City of Enderby.
Conducts reviews of building permit applications for conformance with BC Building Code requirements, development bylaws, and other related regulations to protect the health and safety of the general public where the construction of buildings or…
Provision of funding for a contractor to maintain a walkway between Lindsay and Dewdeny Road.
Bylaw Enforcement responds to complaints related to RDNO regulatory bylaws in all Electoral Areas. The department also enforces some regulatory bylaws in member municipalities. Each regulatory bylaw defines the jurisdictions that it applies to. 
This service provides the Community Theatre Complex known as the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre within Greater Vernon. This complex is meant to provide pleasure, recreation and other community use. The theatre is operated by the Vernon and…
Planning staff prepare plans and policies, process development applications, provide information to the public, and present recommendations to the Board of Directors and Municipal Councils to guide development in North Okanagan communities. The RDNO…
Dog Control - Greater Vernon / White Valley
Grant or award given to a recipient by an Electoral Area Director for support of a specific proposal or small scale projects. 
Acquiring, developing, operating & providing grant funding for parks & cultural services within Electoral Area "F".
This service provides funding for Electoral Area Director attendance at Board and Committee meetings. This service also provides funding for staff and resources to support the Electoral Area Directors.